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Pittosporum crassifolium - Karo



Pittosporum crassifolium, commonly known as Karo, is a New Zealand native found along forest margins or along banks of streams from North Cape to Poverty Bay. Forms a large shrub or small tree with dark brown bark. Their scent fills the evening air with rich fragrance. Seed capsules 2-3cm across, light grey at first, bursting open autumn and winter to reveal black shiny seeds embedded in a sticky substance. Hedges well. Handles dry conditions well.

Height: 5m
Width: 3m

Tiered Pricing (1.3L pot):
1-9: $8.50 each
10-99: $8 each
100+: $7 each

Contact us to order today

SKU: 00030 TAGS: Trees, Hedge, Shrubs

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