Hoya Hindu Rope
One of the most popular hoya varieties, Hoya carnosa compacta, is known for its curled, fleshy leaves that grow in long rope-like vines. This growth pattern, waxy leaves, and perfect flowers that look like porcelain have earned this plant several nicknames, such as the porcelain flower, Hindu rope plant, wax plant, and even Krinkle Kurl!
Our Hoya Hindu Rope are single planted and come in a standard 12cm nursery pot.
Watering- This semi-succulent prefers to be on the drier side, so ensure you let the soil completely dry out between watering. Rule of thumb, only water 1-2 times a month depending on the time of the year.
Feeding- Hoya carnosa don't require huge amounts of fertiliser. A liquid fertiliser once a month in the growing season is all this plant requires.
Lighting- Hoya Carnosa thrive in bright indirect light and can handle direct light for a hour in the morning or evening.