Monstera Deliciosa
Native to Mexico, the Monstera Deliciosa is an exotic indoor houseplant with large and leathery leaves. Young plants have leaves that are smaller with no lobes (holes), but as they mature the holes will become apparent. Also known as the “fruit salad plant”, because the Mexican breadfruit that this plant produces tastes like exotic fruits.
Monstera Deliciosa's grow upright but will topple over if they get too heavy. We recommend using a natural pole that your Monstera can grip to as the plant grows. With the correct support structure it can grow and to its maximum potential height, which is about 2.5 metres! Monstera’s are very easy-care house plants requiring minimal maintenance.
Our Monstera Deliciosa come in a 12cm nursery pot.
Watering- You should water your Monstera when the top 2-3cm of soil has dried out. When watering, give your plant a thorough soaking, but ensure not to leave your Monstera sitting in any water that has accumulated in the saucer. This may lead to root rot.
Feeding- Monsteras will benefit with a small dosage of fertilisation once a month through spring and Summer. Do not fertilise in the Winter as this is when the plant is dormant and needs time to rest during this cooler period. Over-fertilising can cause the soil to spoil.
Lighting- The placement of your Monstera is one of the most important factors. Try to find a spot that receives filtered indirect but bright light. If you place this plant in full sunlight it will struggle to cope with the hot temperatures and the leaves may become brown and sunburnt. Equally if you place your plant in full shade without any light this may stunt its growth!